4th of July 2016

Hey everyone, have a Happy July 4th, and a SAFE July 4th.

I’m not telling you to avoid large crowds or just watch fireworks on TV, but just stay safe and keep aware, OK? Just have a knotty feeling about the 4th this year. It coincides with the new moon, which means that July 4th is the end of Islam’s month of Ramadan. Add the fact that ISIS is getting beaten pretty bad in Syria and Iraq, and they might be feeling pressured to come up with some jackassery this 4th.

This past Thursday, we wiped out about a quarter of ISIS’s army in Iraq. They had a big convoy retreating from the neighborhood of Fallujah back into Syria to consolidate. We smashed that convoy, about 120 vehicles full of assholes and asshole weapons, to the point of obliteration.

The only way they can replace that loss is by international recruitment, and the way they do that is by advertising their hate, and they do that by committing horrible crimes and then just let the news media do the advertising.

Speaking of which, why isn’t there an effort among the news media to heap scorn on terrorists? It’s not as if the media don’t already make stuff up. Just start reporting false things, like saying that the asshole in Orlando had all kinds of gay porn stashed in his closet. The asshole couple in San Bernardino? Simply “report” that a routine physical exam of the daughter they abandoned revealed that the tot is not a virgin, and hint that it’s likely both parents were involved in sexual abuse.

That’s all you need to do, just belittle and discredit these assholes, and there won’t be any more to step down and take their place. The attack on the Bataclan Club in Paris? Just arrange a “leak” to the effect that autopsies on the perpetraitors [sic] revealed that every one of them had an abnormally small penis. Or one testicle. Or what the heck, “report” that they were all hermaphrodites!

Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with hermaphrodites or one-ballers or secret gay porn. Normal people don’t care about that stuff. BUT the kind of islamist hotheads who do this kind of crime? Oh yeah, THEY care about that kind of stuff, and they care a whole lot… and what really gets under their skin is a challenge to their pitiful self-image of machismo.

Trump says we should kill their families. That guy’s an idiot. Perpetuating a cycle of revenge killings is idiotic. What really puts an end to it is painting the terrorist as a retard, a shame to his family, creating a caricature of a bucktoothed yokel who smells like urine and is just as likely to fuck an over-ripe melon as a nearby donkey. Not that either the donkey or the melon would notice, because his dick was so tiny. Bonus: the terrorist is dead now, so he can’t dispute any of this.

As for All-American terrorists, why do we know their middle names? I say we give them new middle names, all the same. Lee Fucktard Oswald. James Fucktard Ray. Timothy Fucktard McVeigh. Dylan Fucktard Root. John Fucktard Booth. Sirhan Fucktard Sirhan. Shoot a pope? Your new name is Ali Fucktard Agha. Lead Al Quaeda? Your new names are Khalid Fucktard Mohammed and Osama Bin Fucktard-Laden.

It is claimed that the most common male name in the world is Mohammed, but that’s only because most christians think it’s tacky to name your kid Jesus. The quickest way to get the Muslims to start weeding the assholes out of their own mosques is for the entire rest of the world to start associating the word “mohammed” with the word “fucktard”. Nothing puts the clamp on conversion drives better, than when your prospective converts all equate “mohammed” with “fucktard”. Think about it. How many people are naming their kids Adolph anymore?

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