Miller 64

Miller’s 64

As fateful as Luke and Darth, as Luthor and Batman, Lucy and Charlie, the Millers and the Buds have been at war for decades, destinies intertwined in a deathgrip as they fall to the mat with claws in each other’s throats. No surprise then, that these two are racing to the bottom of the low: ultra-light beers. Bud has the “55 Select” and here is Miller’s “64”. So Miller has nine more calories, let’s see what they do with them.

As a reminder, this portion of the beer reviews is a public service. I’m careening through the crap, so you don’t have to. The basic premise is that there is no beer on Earth so crappy that a few ounces of Yuengling’s Black & Tan can not make it taste like nearly good beer. So far, this theory has withstood some truly horrific beers, some shudder-worthy liquids. One day a bright light over my head, and realized that “light” beers are even crappier than cheap beers, so the second phase of this quest marches forward lower into the swamplands.

The color is yellow, more likely due to Yellow #5 than anything malted, and the odor is nearly nothing, if anything, perhaps saltwater taffy and in that regard, half the smell is the wax paper wrapping. Lightly carbonated here, and the only other bit of info we care about is the number 2.8, which is the % alk. Label says “perfectly balanced” which is no info at all, they could be referring to a “balance” between mouse urine and banquet beer.

And actually, that’s not far off. No real beer taste to speak of, because that would increase the carbs, and we’re not talking about carbonation, though it might do that too. One mighty thing in “64”s favor: it does not make you gag, like some light beers. Most light beers are around 100 calories, and i don’t know what they spend it on. Not malts, for sure. But i really have to focus here. Not on what this is as beer, but how it matches up with the cream of the crap.

On that account, Miller 64 stands tall. And physically tall too. No really, the cans are too tall for the middle shelf in the fridge, which is for cheese, eggs, lunchmeats, and drink cans. But the taste is the tallest midget under the rainbow, right up there with Michelob Ultra, which has the delusionary confidence to call itself “premium”. Lightly tinny, barely fizzy, reminds one mostly of weak lemonade which was jammed full of ice seven hours ago.

On its own, Miller “64” gets a 1.8 rating. But when rescued with Yuengling’s Black & Tan, this is as good as Mick Ultra, and much better that Yuengling’s own light beer. We have to remember, of course, that even the worst cheapo regular beer improves to a higher level of tolerability with some YB&T, than any light beer.

Nobody chooses to drink light beer. But if you have to drink light beer, choose this one. It’s just as good (!?) as Michelob Ultra, and if you have to drink light, then the reason why is likely the cals and/or carbs. This has got 30 less calories than Mick Ultra, for the same price, so there’s no reason not to choose Miller 64.

Rogue Dead Guy

Rogue Dead Guy

The top of the game, when the game is low-information labeling. No useful info whatsoever on the label, other than it’s made in Oregon. In fact, i’m not even sure if this is Dead Guy Beer made by Rogue, or if it’s Rogue Beer made by Dead Guy. Since the cap says “Rogue” i’m gonna go with Dead Guy Beer made by Rogue, although it’s not Rogue Brewing, it’s Oregon Brewing, even though there is a Rogue River in Oregon. Confused yet?

Not sure if this is ale, IPA, lager, pilsener or eau de toilette. But there is a guy on the label who looks dead, holding a beer stein. And he’s wearing a hat, not sure if i’m supposed to read anything into that or not.

The color is very orange, not quite porterish but darker than a pils. This could be a lager or an amber ale. Not much carbonation but plenty of floating specks, so whatever it is, it’s not filtered too heavily, and that’s usually a good sign to my tastes. Smell is heavy, orange-caramel, sweet in the way that a rotting orange is sweeter than a fresh orange, in that sickly way which rotting things have. Like dead guys.

Oh, oof, and that’s the taste of it too. Rotting orange, i nailed it on the head by the smell. Actually, i’ve had beer like this before, from somewhere in Eastern Europe, i don’t speak Cyrillic letters so don’t know what the label of that one said, but it’s still on display as a curiosity in the row of unique beer bottles above my bar. Pretty sure it’s Russian, and it was probably a high-class brew in Russia, but not too great on my American tastebuds. This neither.

Anyway, that’s what this Rogue Dead Guy reminds me of. Nearly flat, very sweet in a fruity way, and a back-mouth taste of highly toasted grains. I like that grain taste, but the floral sweetness and fairly syrupy consistency are not for me. If forced into a corner and told to guess, i’d think that this is in the style of a Belgian ale. Maybe that’s what the hat means, maybe it’s a dead Belgian monk’s hat.

I remember that Russian beer had a slight fishy taste to it, like they used water right from the Volga. That’s not in here, even though the Rogue River in Oregon is famous for good fishing, but all the other things i did not like are in here. Yes, there’s a dead guy here, but not sure if he fell into the fermentation vat and that’s what i taste, or if he simply drank this beer and subsequently died.

Someone may like this kind of beer, but not me. Rating: 1.3

Bud Select 55

Bud Select 55
Bud’s Select 55

Now, as you know i’ve long been searching for the crappiest beer known to mankind, because i have yet to find a beer which cannot be made into a tasty pint by adding a few ounces of Yuengling’s Black & Tan. I exhausted all the regular bland dribblers sold around here: the ones which come in a 30-pack for $13. Severe lightbulb moment, when i realized that light beers are, as a species, entirely crappier than cheap regular beers!

So the anti-quest continues. This time, it’s Budweiser’s “Select 55” light beer, named after the number of calories in a can. Most light beers have about 100 calories per 12 ounces, including Michelob’s Ultra, which you would assume they mean ultra-low-cal, but instead they mean it’s ultra yummy for a light beer… naturally that’s both a paradox and an oxymoron at the same time.

This here ultra-light is the lightest of the lightest, 55 calories is the lowest i’ve seen. That’s the kind of technology which a vast brewery-industrial complex can buy. Miller has a 64-cal one, but i have yet to gamble on it. And in the end, no matter how crappy this one is, it follows the other crappy sheep and is easily made tame and tasty by mixing in some Black & Tan.

So mission accomplished there, but what is Bud 55 Select like on it’s own? I took the plunge into icy waters so you don’t need to. Surprisingly, it nearly tastes like beer. Moreso than the Mich Ult, this one has a faint shadow of malted grain, even if it is rice. No hop character to speak of, but we already know it’s cheap, 67¢ a can. It’s thin, it’s watery, they don’t say but we know it’s low-alk, and it’s slightly carbonated. Sort of like a fizzy wet rice cake.

With YB&T mixed in, it’s fine as a base, and that’s the real shocker. I don’t believe a beer exists which can’t be juiced into semi-yum by Yuengling’s dark influence. But on its own, Bud 55 is only a situation beer, like when you head over to a buddy’s house for a bbq and his wife has decided that he needs to lose a few so she’s stocked the house with Bud Select 55. You have to tell her that it’s fine. In your mind, though, this beer rates a 1.6 flat.