After the resounding success of their Finestkind IPA, thought well of trying out some other Sluttys, errr, Smuttys, i mean. A sampler 12 came with 3 Finestkinds, which i already know will be treasured. Now it’s time to test out the others, and first up is the Old Brown Dog Ale. Clocked at 6.5% alk, and on the bottle a fine rendering of Olive, who is an actual old brown dog.
Wonder if she’s got that common problem of her species: constantly being jumped over by quick red foxes? In the pic, the label is loose on the corners, and that’s a common theme with Smuttynose beers, but the outside is not as important as the insides.
The ale is brownish, not as dark as, say, Samuel Smith’s Nut Brown Ale, with a medium body and sweetness i did not expect. More likely, i’ve been in hopland too long and forgot what a real brown ale tastes like! A good dog, rates a 6.3 in my mouth. Won’t grab a frisbee in midair, but hasn’t got fleas either.