Saranac Adirondack Lager

Saranac's Adirondack Lager
Saranac’s Adirondack Lager

Tasty stuff. I used to love lagers before the IPA craze hit the USA and brought us a range of expensive ales all trying to out-hop each other. As far as lagers go, i do prefer them to pilseners and non-IP-ales, but the king is still Fosters. The blue oil can with a ‘roo on it was, for a while, the only way to get good Fosters, since the 12-oz bottles were being made in Canada “under license” which meant a license for Canooks to fuck up a great beer.

Then the Fosters 25-oz cans were being made in Canada too, and they were just terrible. The only way to get good Fosters was, for some years, to buy real roo juice at a specialty beer store. But sunshine reigns again, because the 25 ounce cans are now being made by some outfit in Texas, coincidentally named Oil Can Brewery, and they’re once again tasty.

So back to Saranac’s lager. It’s a good solid beer, but just as the Adirondacks are not real mountains, in the broad sense, this Adirondack Lager is just not as tall as Fosters. Good beer, but as long as Foster’s is good again, there’s no reason to buy the Saranac lager at a premium. A regretful 6.1 is all i can give it.

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